Utvikling av KI

Leser for tiden boka «Slowdown – The End of the Great Acceleration» (Dorling 2020). Han skriver at «The rate of progress in artificial intelligence has been remarkably slow (siden 1970)». Han avslutter avsnittet slik (s. 97):

Virker som om boka ble skrevet i 2018-19, så fikk en kompis til å stille samme spørsmålet til ChatGPT4, som forfatteren stilte til Alexa. Her er svaret:

The issue of people going hungry is seen as wrong from multiple perspectives—moral, ethical, social, and economic. Here are several reasons why:

1. Moral and Ethical Standpoint: From a moral and ethical standpoint, it is argued that everyone has a right to basic necessities like food. Allowing people to go hungry when there are resources available conflicts with principles of human rights and dignity. Most ethical theories, including utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics, support the idea that alleviating hunger is a moral imperative.

2. Social Justice and Equity: Hunger is often a symptom of broader issues related to social justice and equity. It is typically the most vulnerable and marginalized communities that suffer from hunger, highlighting and exacerbating existing inequalities. Addressing hunger is crucial for fostering social justice and equality.

3. Human Potential and Development: Hunger impedes individuals’ physical and cognitive development, especially in children. It affects their health, education, and ability to contribute productively to society. Ensuring people are well-nourished is essential for realizing human potential and promoting societal development.

4. Economic Efficiency: From an economic perspective, hunger is wasteful. It leads to loss of productivity, increased healthcare costs, and slowed economic growth. By ensuring people have enough to eat, societies can make more efficient use of human resources, enhancing economic performance and stability.

5. Political Stability and Security: Hunger can lead to social unrest and political instability, as people protest against inequality and seek to meet their basic needs. By addressing hunger, governments can help ensure social stability and security.

6. Moral Coherence and Global Solidarity: In a world where there is enough food produced to feed everyone, allowing people to go hungry is seen as a failure of moral coherence and global solidarity. It challenges the effectiveness and fairness of international systems and agreements designed to protect human rights. In essence, preventing hunger is not only about meeting basic human needs but also about upholding dignity, promoting equality, and fostering a just, stable, and prosperous world.

På en håndfull år(!) har det skjedd en ganske rivende utvikling vil jeg si. Veldig spent på hvordan dette vil se ut om nye fem år!

Om Lars

Jeg bor i Kristiansand, og lever av havpadling. Mer info om meg og firmaet på www.digital-info.no
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