I boka “Money” av Yuval Noah Harari er det noen avsnitt jeg vil ta vare på. Boka inneholder utvalgte deler av bøkene Sapiens (2011) og Homo Deus (2015) som her er sammenfattet. På side 37-38 står det:
… Capitalism´s belief in perpetual economic growth flies in the face of almost everything we know about the universe. A society of wolves would be extremely foolish to believe that the supply of sheep would keep on growing throughout the modern era, thanks only to the fact that scientists come up with another discovery or gadget every few years – such as the continent of America, the internal ccombustion engine, or genetically engineered sheep. Banks and governments print money, but ultimately, it is the scientists who foot the bill.
Yuval Noah Harari
Over the last few years, banks and governments have frenziedly printing money. Everybody is terrified that the current economic crisis may stop the growth of the economy. So they are creating trillions of dollars, euros and yen out of thin air, pumping cheap credit into the system, and hoping that the scientists, technicians and engineers will manage to come up with something really big, before the bubble bursts. Everything depends on the people in the labs. New discoveries in fields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology could create entire new industries, whose profits could back the trillions of make-believe money that the banks and governments have created since 2008. If the labs do not fullfill these expectations before the bubble bursts, we are heading towards very rough times.
Dette sitatet går jo rett inn i det problemkomplekset som jeg skrev om i desember i posten: Pengemengde og inflasjon. Jeg har derfor lagt inn avsnittet som kommentar der også. Jeg kan ikke skjønne annet enn at dette blir mer og mer aktuelt, selv om inflasjonen nå har begynt å røre på seg og renta er på vei opp.
Men, det er også andre spennende avsnitt i denne boka. På s. 71 skriver han følgende om cyber-wars:
… Cyber-wars, … , may last just a few minutes. When a lieutenant on shift at cyber-command notices something odd is going on, she picks up the phone to call her superior, who immediately alerts the White House. Alas, by the time the president reaches ror the red handset, the war has already been lost. Within seconds a sufficiently sophisticated cyber strike might shut down the US power grid, wreck US flight control centres, cause numerous industrial accidents in nuclear plants and chemical installations, disrupt the police, army and intelligence communication networks – and wipe out financial records so that trillions of dollars simply vanish without a trace and nobody knows who owns what. The only thing curbing public hysteria is that, with the Internet, television and radio down, people will not be aware of the full magnitude of the disaster.
Yuval Noah Harari
I februar i år kom den en bok som ser nærmere på dette – og den er satt opp på leselista!
Det siste avsnittet er fra s. 128, og handler om økonomisk ulikhet. Flere og flere mennesker løftes ut av fattigdom, men vi blir også flere og flere mennesker. Ulikheten kan også øke, selv om flere og flere ikke lenger er fattige. Harari skriver:
… the economic gaps are at the present only increasing. As of early 2016, the sixty two richest people in the world were worth as much as the poorest 3.6 billion people! Since the world´s population is about 7.2 billion, it means that these sixty-two billionaires together hold as much wealth as the entire bottom half of humankind.
Yuval Noah Harari
Og slik kan det jo neppe fortsette…