Det dukker stadig opp nye ord i livet mitt, og fat-shaming (skamme seg over fett) hadde jeg ikke hørt før. Det ble utlagt på denne måten på en profil på FB:
Fat shaming:
A term made by obese people to avoid the responsibility to actually take proper care of their body and instead victimize themself by pretending they’re discriminated like an ethnic group. When confronted with someone like that they will ignore all the facts about obesity being unhealthy and pretend it’s some sort of evil socially constructed conspiracy by the patriarchy.
Peter: «You’ve started gaining weight at a worrying level, maybe we could exercise together and take up a sport since you’re always at home».
Bianca: «omg stop discriminating me you’re just fat shaming, all my fat is genetics and exercising is just a social construct made by our sexist society, i’m not being brainwashed into ur shauvinistic world».
*Bianca then proceeds to eat burgers and refuses to better herself*