En bok med håp

Jeg var så heldig å få låne boka «Hope beneath our feet. Restoring our place in the natural world.« (Ed. Koegh, Martin (2010))

Stitched Panorama

Her er det mange fine artikler av kjente og ukjente forfattere, og i denne bloggposten samler jeg noen sitater fra noen av dem. Boka er redigert av Martin Keogh, og kom ut i 2010 på North Atlantic Books.

De første sitatene er fra en artikkel av Paul Hawken:

When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, mye answer is always the same: if you look at the science about what is happening on earth and ar not pessimistic, you don´t understand the data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor and you are not optimistic, you haven´t got a pulse. (s.4)

At present we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product (GDP) (s.6)

Ralp Waldo Emerson once asked what we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years. No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would create a new religion overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of God. Instead, the stars come out every night and we watch television. (s.7)

Neste sitat er fra Michael Pollan:

… the deep problem standing behind all other problems of industrial civilization is «spezialisation,» which he (Berry) regards as the «disease of the modern character.
… Virtually all of our needs and desires we delegate to specialists of one kind or another – our meals to agribusiness, health to the doctor, education to the teacher, entertainment to the media, care for the enviroment to the enviromentalist, political action to the politician. (s. 32)

Neste sitat er fra Susan Feathers:

We are called to Reverence for Life (Albert Schweitzer red.anm) as a way of life. As the life we observe around us. Reconnecting, experiencing life in all its manifest forms as fellow inhabitants with which we share this beautiful planet – this life – is a way forwar in an uncertain future. (s.52)

Neste sitat er fra Jamie McHugh:

Self-love connects me to my body, and love for the planet connects me to my larger body. The two bodies are really one and the same. If I live mindfully and remember my larger body, I am able to trust life mor. If I forget the larger body, I am constrained by the limits of my individual conditioning and more likely to fear the future.

Så fra Nala Walla:

Since our bodies are indeed our primary home, any endeavors to create a sense of place must include strategies for getting to know one´s body more deeply. Developing and increasing awareness of our own felt-experience can be a beneficial practice that connects us inevitably back to earth via our own flesh. Thus a re-inhabiting of the individual body is an essential step toward re-indigenization – behaving in an ecologically respectful and culturally sustainable manner that honors all meanings of «home». The embodied arts are designed to help us to do exactly this. (s. 150)
1. The art of sensing the «inner body» as a way to connect to the greater social and planetary (Gaiac) bodies;
2. The veiw of somatics as inseparable from ecological health and sustainability;
3. The practice of using somatic principles to facilitate and enhance sustainable work in the landscape, e.g. gardens, farms, village building. (s. 151)

Videre til Dr. Vandana Shiva:

… Living democracy enables democratic participation in all matters of life and death – the food we eat or do not have access to; the water we drink or arre denied due to privatization or po9llution; the air we breathe or are poisoned by. Living democracies are based on the intrinsic worth of all species, all peoples, all cultures; a just and equal sharing of this earth´s vital resources; and sharing the decisions about the use oft the earth´s resources. (s. 167)

Så et sitat av Thoreau i artikkelen til Munju Ravindra:

… «in wildness is the preservation of the world». Let us dare, for a moment, to rewrite the master: in wonder is the preservation of the world. (s. 177)
Boktips: «A Sense of Wonder» – Rachel Carson (s. 178)

På s. 205 er det enda et boktips:
Linda Buzzell and Craig Chalquist (2009) Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind.
San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Boops – www.ecotherapyheals.com

På s. 244 er det et par setninger fra Alice Walker jeg vil ta vare på:

… Humans choose Gods small enough to wear like amulets to assuage their fear. But the wise do not choose a God because to them God/Goddess is seamless and is already wearing you.

I artikkelen til Scott Rodwin er det litt statistikk fra USA:
– Am. bygninger forbruker ca 65% av elektrisiteten og 30% av råmaterialene – og de genererer 30% av søppel og drivhusgasser.
– En gj.sn. amerikaner tilbringer ca 90% av sin tid innendørs.

Rodwin har også et sitat av Thoreau på s. 273:

What´s the good of a fine house if you don´t have a tolerable planet to put it on?

Dette er en bok jeg trygt kan anbefale deg å lese!


Oppdatering 15. juni 2015:
Boken inneholder også en rekke interessante webadresser til forfatterne og aktuelle nettsteder. Her er det fleste av dem:
Paul Hawken
Andrew Cohen
Animal, vegetable, miracle
Ben Gadd
Sacred centers
Michael Pollan
Write for change
Jamie McHugh, Somatic expression
Jamie McHugh, Nature – being – art
Metta center for non-violence
Save the Redwoods
Sure Foot Adventures
Small Planet Institute
Food first
Jane Hayes, Gardener
Bill McKibben
Homegrown EvolutionThe Club of Rome
Fields of Plenty
Foxglove farm
Derrick Jensen
Awakening Women
Diane Ackerman
The Feldenkrais Method
Body-Mind Centering
Anatomy Trains
Vandana Shiva Navdanya – Seed Freedom
Kaylynn Sullivan Two Trees
Cheryl Pallant
The work of Byron Katie
Tzeporah Berman
Transition Culture
Huffington Post – Linda Buzzell
Barry Lopez
Ceremony Heals
Ken Lamberton
Doorway Into Light
John Horgan
What if? Foundation
On that day everybody ate
Grandmothers Council
Center for Sacred Studies
The Institute for Circle Work
Rodwin Architecture
Howard Zinn
Wendell Berry
Martin Keogh

Jeg har ikke vært innom alt. Her er litt hummer og kanari, men den som leter kan finne…

Om Lars

Jeg bor i Kristiansand, og lever av havpadling. Mer info om meg og firmaet på www.digital-info.no
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