Fjerning med alkohol

I dag dukket følgende dikt opp på Facebook – og det var bare merket «anonym«:

Alcohol is a product of amazing versatility.
It will remove stains from designer clothes,
and will also remove the clothes from your back.
If by chance it is used in sufficient quantities,
alcohol will remove furniture from the home,
rugs from the floor,
food from the table,
lining from the stomach,
vision from the eyes,
judgment from the mind.
Alcohol will also remove good reputations,
good jobs, good friends, sanity, freedom,
spouses, relationships, and man’s ability
to adjust and live with his fellow man,
even life itself.
As a remover, alcohol has no equal…

Om Lars

Jeg bor i Kristiansand, og lever av havpadling. Mer info om meg og firmaet på
Dette innlegget ble publisert i Dagbok, Samfunn. Bokmerk permalenken.

Ett svar til Fjerning med alkohol

  1. Den var riktigt bra.

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