Forskjellige organiseringsprinsipper

I siste nummer av YesMagazine! Har David Korten laget en oppstilling av forskjellene i organiseringsprinsippene på Wall Street og i naturen. En spennende lesning!

  Wall Street Nature
Defining Value Money Life
Primary performance indicators Growth in financial returns, flows and assets. Life´s abundance, health, resilience, and creative potential.
Primary dynamic Competition to maximaze self-interest. Cooperation to optimize self- and community interest.
Decision-making power Global, top-down, centralized, and concentrated. Local, bottom-up, and distributed.
Time frame Immediate return. Sustained yield.
Local character Uniform Diverse
Resource control Monopolized Shared
Resource flows Global, linear, one-time use from mine to dump. Local, circular, perpetual use, zero waste.
Deficits of concern Financial Social and enviromental.
Measure of efficiency Returns to financial capital Returns to social and natural capital.
Growth Infinite growth of money and material consumption. A stage in life´s endless regenerative cycles of birth, growth, death and rebirth.

Om Lars

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