På siste turen ute leste jeg ut Douglas Couplands bok «The Gum Thief«. Den var ganske spesiell – akkurat som hans andre bøker… Anbefales!
Her er et par utdrag. Først fra s. 72:
«I dream of going to Europe one day. What exactly is it about Europe? People go there and suddenly all of their problems are solved, and as a bonus they’re suddenly sophisticatde and glam when they come back. Hello, I’m Count Chocola. Welcome to my chateau. We’ll dine on peacock livers atop little pieces of toast cut into triangles with the crusts removed. After that, I’ll ravage you with an heirloom jewelencrusted dildo from the Crusades, and then we’ll discuss the socially beneficial effects of government-sanctioned drug injection sites.»
Typisk Coupland… Veldig overraskende blandinger…
Ellers merker jeg jo at åra går. Tippet 40 i januar, og i boka står det på side 176:
«They obviously didn’t have women’s shelters in the Middle Ages. What a disaster to have been born before 1980.»
Coupland, Douglas (2007) The Gum Thief