
På møtet i Korsvei Sør i går kveld fant Kristin frem en kalender med sitater av Jean Vanier, Henri Nouwen og Dietrich Boenhoffer. Alle sitatene omhandler “Community“. Den var laget på resirkulerte ark, og skulle bare rulleres hver måned.

Her er sitatene for hver dag:

The community calendar

1. Myself. Jean Vanier, in answer to the question ”What is the most difficult thing about community?”
2. Have patience
3. Confession is discipleship
4. Joy flows from unity
5. Laughter is an important food
6. None must seek his own rights
7. In many ways, communities are like families
8. Discipleship is walking together on the same path
9. The prayer of the morning will determinde the day
10. The christian community is not driven together but drawn together
11. Wherever true christian community is formed, compassion hapens in the world
12. The great call we have heard is to live a compassionate life
13. Community means communion of heart and spirit; it is a network of relationships
14. We must learn to forgive and forgive and forgive every day, day after day
15. Gathered together in common vulnerability, we discover how much we have to give to each other
16. I have community with others and I shall continue to have it only through Jesus Christ
17. Love is manifested in all the little things of life that build community, not in heroic acts
18. Joy in the presence of those we work with is the only possible way to live in community
19. Be close to those God has given you in community today; and work with the situation as it is
20. True belly laughs are important in community life; when a group laughs in this way, many pains are swept away
21. The leaders have their inner wounds like everyone else; we are called to love them as brothers and sisters
22. The exclusion of the weak and insignificant, the seemingly useless people, from av christian community may actually mean the exclusion of Christ
23. Our strength and energy for work increase when we have prayed God to give us the strength we need for our daily work
24. Since every sin of every member burdens and indicts the whole community, the congregation rejoices that it has the privilege of bearing and forgiving
25. Community is the safe place where all of us feel free to be ourselves and have the confidence to say everything we live and think.
26. The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother´s is sure
27. In community, our lives become compassionate lives because in the way we live and work together, God´s compassion becomes present in the midst of a broken world
28. Joy and gratitude aret he qualities of the heart by which we recognize those who are comitted to a life of service in the path of Jesus Christ
29. Communities are truly communities when they are open to others, when they remain vulnerable and humble; when the members are growing in love, in compassion and in humility
30. A community is like a seed which must grow to become a tree giving abundant fruit, in which all the birds of the air can come to make their nests
31. Celebration is the specific act of a community as people rejoice and give thanks to the Father for He has bonded them together; He is looking after them and loves them

Quotes taken from:
Community and Growth by Jean Vanier, Compassion by Henri Nouwen et al. And Life together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Neste møte i Korsvei Sør (30. mai) blir om forskjellige typer fellesskap.

Om Lars

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