Teja Sangat Singh

Den 5. april 2018 hadde jeg kommet godt i gang med kurset for å bli Kundalini yogainstruktør. I den forbindelse fikk jeg også et spirituelt navn. Jeg synes dette fortsatt er litt rart, men det blir også mer og mer inspirerende. Derfor legger jeg ut betydningen av navnet her.

You have been blessed to live as Teja Sangat Singh, the courageous Lion whose splendid aura of power and radiance can pierce through any darkness when he dwells in the company of those who love the Divine.Teja is one who is filled with splendid glory or who has an aura of power and radiance piercing through any darkness. Sangat refers to congregation or gathering. All males receive the name Singh — the Lion of God who walks with grace and courage throughout his life. Yogi Bhajan taught that every man can attain this divine state and encouraged all to manifest it. 
Using the rich capacity of your name, Teja Sangat Singh, reveals your gift of connecting to your powerful and radiant aura to fearlessly overcome any challenges when you spend time in the community of people who love God. Yogi Bhajan always said that being in their presence is the most uplifting and elevating experience. Meditate on this blessing with each breath to confirm its profound nature. Your spiritual family is effortlessly elevated and inspired by the positivity, glorious radiance and joy of your spirit. Let the wonderful sound of your name lead you to the highest fulfillment of your soul.
The power of your spiritual name is that the more you speak and hear it, the more it permeates your being, opening you to experience its nadh (universal inner sound current). Consciously merge with the vibration of the nadh to come into harmony with your highest destiny.

Om Lars

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