Menneske og natur

I boka “The Deep Ecology Movement” er det et sitat av en Rolling Thunder jeg gjerne vil ta vare på (s. 92):

“Too many people don´t know that when they harm the earth they harm themselves, nor do the realize that when they harm themselves they harm the earth… It´s not very easy for you people to understand these things because understanding is not knowing the kind of facts that your books and teachers talk about. I can tell you that understanding begins with love and respect. It begins with respect for the Great Spirit, and the Great Spirit is the life that is in all things – all creatures and plants and even the rocks and the minerals. All things – and I mean all things – have their own will and their own way and their own purpose; this is what is to be respected. Such respect is not a feeling or an attitude only. It´s a way of life. Surch respect means that we never top realizing, and never neglect to carry out our obligations to ourselves and our enviroment.”

Artikkelforfatteren har igjen hentet sitatet fra: Doug Boyd, Rolling Thunder (New York: Delta, 1974), pp. 51-52. Må bare innrømme at jeg kom til å tenke på vår behandling av strandsonen når jeg leste dette (selv om det kanskje er eksempler som ligger nærmere sånn til vanlig). Her er et bilde som viser praktiseringen av 100-meters regelen:


Om Lars

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